About Gouldings Garden Centre
After moving to Dalpatrick Farm in 1897, Joe Goulding started growing soft fruit to supply the fruit markets, which continued until the 1960s when he expanded and started growing a wider range of vegetables. In 1992 he decided to grow the business by introducing bedding plants.
Around 1997, vegetable growing stopped as it was difficult to survive due to imports being favoured, which forced us to devote our time to growing bedding plants which proved to be a great success, which continues today.
Over the years, we have gradually developed the Garden Centre into what it is now, a superb facility that offers a huge variety of all you need. Aside from our excellent Nursery, producing bedding plants of the highest quality direct to our customers, we have everything for your garden and outdoor space. From Trees & Shrubs, Stylish Outdoor and Indoor furniture to Garden Features, Tools and Gardening equipment. Also available is a full range of Bird & Pet Care products, Composts and Fertilisers.
There’s also our Farm Shop with lots of locally sourced produce, a Gift and Homeware section with stylish options for all budgets and our popular 150 seater restaurant, serving all your favourites.
Never forgetting our roots, we appreciate that by supplying only the finest products and offering the best service and advice to our visitors, we will be able to continue successfully.
Having invested and continuing to invest heavily in refurbishing the Garden Centre and Restaurant, we are proud to have been awarded many awards in the past, including 'Most Improved Garden Centre' and 'Best Garden Centre in Scotland'.

Goulding's Garden Centre rated "excellent" by 325 travellers!
Meet the Goulding’s Team
3 generations of the Goulding family